Monday 7 April 2014

Strange Events in the Natural world can be signs of things to come in our lives Throughout our
history, we have experienced millions of unusual events occurring in our natural world. However, in the past, scientists have noted that some of these abnormal natural events occur before the inexplicable personal incidents.That they may possibly be related. Furthermore, unusual weather impacting human lives, asteroids hitting Earth and humans becoming slaves to technology are all examples that prove this link. Appropriately, it is evident that strange events in the natural world can be signs of things to come in our lives. Unusual weather in the environment can be detrimental to our world. In fact, these natural disasters are a clear sign that we are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Take flooding across the UK for example. Four of the five wettest years recorded in the UK have happened from 2000 on wards. Over that period of time, they have also had seven warmest years. That is not a coincidence. This is a pattern of global change that it would be very unwise to ignore. The shift to such a world can cause mass migrations of millions of people away from the worst-affected areas. That will lead to conflict and war, not peace and prosperity. Even more frightening is the fact that if emissions do not get cut, we can potentially face even more devastating consequences; they could raise the global average temperature to 4C. We should keep in mind that the last time the global temperature was 5C different from today, the Earth was gripped by an ice age. Therefore, it is essential that the government use this opportunity to drive the economic growth and avoid the enormous risks of unmanaged climate change. Not only are we facing violent climate change but the occurrence of the asteroid is something we should not ignore. In fact, the most famous asteroid is the one that hit Earth sixty five years ago. It is thought that the asteroid threw so much moisture and dust it cut off sunlight. lowering temperatures worldwide and causing the extinction of the dinosaurs. Researchers detected that a giant space rock scheduled on March 21 2014 would sweep close to the Earth and fast enough to devastate a continent should a collision occur. However, the chances of impact are minuscule, even more minuscule than winning the National Lottery jackpot. Scientists believed such event as happened over the years Urals only occur approximately once every one hundred fifty years. Now the frequency of such an event is estimated to be every 30 years. It is very likely that an asteroid with one million megaton bomb would wipe out most of the life on the planet therefore, scientists say early warning systems need to be put in place in order to safeguard future events. The fact than an asteroid can devastate our whole planet brings about the most alarming event: humans becoming slaves to technology. From the moment we wake up to the shrill of the alarm clock, to the second we turn off the television before we sleep, the constant buzzing, beeping and buzzing sounds from our gadgets are supposed to make our lives easier. Moreover, a person could theoretically live their entire life without leaving their home. They could order food, clothing, shopping and even get music from the comfort of their personal computers. Even more frightening is the fact children are no longer playing hide and seek together on the playground. but are virtually playing hide and seek on the internet. Therefore, the cycle of estrangement continues , further destroying our sense of belonging. Our dependency on technology has decreased our quality of life in terms of the connection we share with other human beings and our own personal health and well-being. Evidently, in the future, we not only could be controlled by technology but also create alienation among individuals. As proven, the strange events in the nature can predict things to come in our future. All the different strange events pose reliable facts and numerous examples, which give us no reason to not believe them. These incidents are not cannot just be coincidence, there has to be some sort of connection. We should use opportunity to get prepared for what can be asset to our evolution. The proof is present; that strange events in our world can signify what is to come in our future.

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