Friday 25 April 2014

Essay #2

                                  It is sometimes necessary to take decisive, preemptive
                     action against someone because of what you fear he or she might do later

          The virtue of being decisive and preemptive hasn’t received a lot of support lately. With world leaders refusing to admit mistakes when the evidence becomes overwhelming, their apparent decisiveness seems to be a fault. Decisiveness is simply the ability to decide with speed and clarity. In any situation the ability to decide is crucial because with one quick decision, you could save many people’s lives. Whether it is with a person you have never seen before, a friend you have known for a long time or even with a child you always see in your neighbourhoodwithout clear decisions, there can be no action and no results. Therefore, it is evident that it is sometimes necessary to be decisive and take preemptive action against someone.

      Whenever you find anything abnormal, the first thing you want to make is an effective decision. For example, if you see someone steal food from a store, you want to take preemptive action by stopping this situation. You can either stop him yourself, or tell a store employee and by making this decision, you can stop future robberies similar to this one. If you do not stop the robbery, the robber will not learn his lesson and will most likely keep stealing. The reason people aren’t decisive isn’t because that is an effective strategy for problem solving. Indecisive people act that way simply because they assume others will make better decisions for them.Therefore, these people end up being subjected to the whims of others and have to rely on the thinking power of others to survive.

       Not only can we make quick, effective decisions to stop a stranger from his poor decisionsbeing decisive can also stop your best friend from making mistakes. For example, when you find out your friend has not finished his homework but is already playing video games; you have to be decisive. By doing so, they could learn their lesson and never procrastinate ever again. In any decision you should decide a course of next action in only a few minutes, even if the decision is simply to tell your friend  to do their homework. Until you have made a clear decision though, you are simply procrastinating yourself. They do not spend time trying to solve the situation but simply avoid the decision entirely. Few people decide what to eat for dinner in less than a minute, hardly the decision that begins the course of action to influence their entire life. Evidently, withouts decisions, no progress can be made.

       The fact that taking preemptive action can save a friend from procrastinating brings about the most important event: saving a child from danger. Children will not stop making mistakes until someone tells them. For example, when you see a child bicycling without a helmet, it is your time to take action and be decisive. Right away, you tell their parents to always make sure they have the right safety equipment in case of potential incidents. Not only will you save the precious life of the child, you will also save their parents from potentially losing their child. Therefore, Decisiveness is both a skill you can build and an internal state you can summon when you need. 

Although it would be nice if we lived in a world where nothing needed to be changed; when it is time to be decisive , it ultimately means recognizing when you should make the clear decision. At this point you simply need to make a decision with the faulty information at hand and move forward. Even if the decision was poor, that was simply the price necessary to learn from your mistakes and make a better decision next time. Waiting longer is just delaying the inevitable, so you must decide even in the face of uncertainty.

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